Департамент культуры Костромской области сообщает, о присуждении региональной литературной премии имени Бекишева, учрежденной в 2022 году для популяризации творческих достижений в сфере отечественной словесности и поощрения наиболее талантливых костромских писателей и поэтов, внесших заметный вклад в культурное развитие края
The main idea of the text is to announce that Sergei Alexandrovich Potemkin, a poet and member of the Union of Writers of Russia from Kostroma Oblast, has been awarded the regional literary prize named after Bekisheva for 2024. His works have been published in both national and local literary magazines and almanacs.
The main idea of the text is to announce that Sergei Alexandrovich Potemkin, a poet and member of the Union of Writers of Russia from Kostroma Oblast, has been awarded the regional literary prize named after Bekisheva for 2024. His works have been published in both national and local literary magazines and almanacs.